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Bank Policies & Procedures: Unfair Deceptive or Abusive Acts and Practices (PLC-116)

Bank Policies & Procedures: Unfair Deceptive or Abusive Acts and Practices (PLC-116)


$425.00 - Bank Policies & Procedures: Reg AA: Unfair Deceptive Abusive Acts and Practices - Non-Member

$382.50 - Bank Policies & Procedures: Reg AA: Unfair Deceptive Abusive Acts and Practices - Member

Establishes procedures for receiving and handling consumer complaints. States the bank's intent to prevent unfair, deceptive or abusive acts or practices in connection with any transaction for a consumer financial product or service. Sets guidelines to properly handle consumer credit contracts, late charge accounting practices, and cosigner practices. Policy template includes Review Procedures and Consumer Complaint Procedures.
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