$299.00 - Online: Cyber & Information Security Overview for Employees (Individual) - Nonmember
$179.00 - Online: Cyber & Information Security Overview for Employees (Individual) - Member
While community banks are diligent in their management of cybercrimes, mitigating sophisticated cyber threats can be challenging. It is up to bank employees to understand their role in protecting customer information and the programs and systems that the bank has in place to help mitigate the risk of cyber threats. This course discusses the employee’s roles and responsibilities regarding information security and provides for information on security programs and best practices. This course is intended for all bank personnel. Rev–Nov. 2019. Course Length ≈ 40 minutes.
Learning Objectives: • Understand the employee’s roles and responsibilities for protecting bank and customer information and resources • Identify basic regulatory and industry resources for further guidance on an Information Security Program • Implement a few best practices for protecting sensitive information resources