Recorded: June 4, 2020
Length: 60 Minutes
It seems like a lifetime has happened since the launch of SBA’s PPP and community bankers have been working feverishly to ensure that every element of the PPP is covered. This webinar will focus on the latest stage in the SBA PPP lifecycle - the loan forgiveness component. Presenters from CliftonLarsonAllen will tee up the session with an overview of political developments, where community banks currently sit with PPP and where bankers can expect things to go in the coming weeks. Questions remain unanswered and the presenters are ready to answer them! Participants are encouraged to bring questions to the session as presenters will spend a majority of the time answering your inquiries. The following are some of the types of questions that presenters are anticipating answering:
Presenter: Todd Sprang and Jack Rybicki, CliftonLarsonAllen
Pricing: ICBA Community Banks: Complimentary
1 CPE Credit
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