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This live action series contains fresh content, best practices, the latest hot topics in BSA/AML, and is everything your bank needs to comply with training requirements. The BSA/AML Video Training Series features 5 different presentations customized to provide job specific training for every member of your bank staff including: - BSA Officer and BSA staff
- Frontline and Operations staff
- Lenders and Lending staff
- Senior Management and the Board of Directors
- General bank staff
Purchase only the video training module that you need or SAVE when you buy the complete five-part series. Note: This digital video training series is a separate product and not part of the online training course plan or the unlimited webinar pass. Digital video files will be delivered to the My Digital Products area within the ICBA.org account when paid in full. Individual Videos BSA/AML Overview - Understand that BSA compliance is the responsibility of all bank employee
- sList the five pillars of compliance BSA programs
- Learn about BSA requirements such as CIP, CDD, CTR, MIL, Information Sharing, and SARs
BSA/AML for Senior Management and the Board of Directors- Understand the roles, responsibilities and impact of the Board and Senior Management in BSA/AML compliance
- Learn the 5 pillar components that make up a successful BSA/AML bank program
- Understand common BSA/AML challenges and how to overcome them
- Get the latest on BSA/AML hot topics affecting the industry today
BSA/AML for Frontline & Operations Staff- Understand BSA/AML responsibilities of Frontline and Operations staff
- Learn the 5 pillar components that make up a successful BSA/AML bank program
- Learn the BSA/AML program requirements pertaining to Frontline and Operations duties, like CIP, CDD, CTR, Information sharing, Funds transfers, SARs & more
- Review common red flags of potential suspicious activity
BSA/AML for Lenders & Lending Staff- Understand BSA/AML responsibilities of Lenders and Lending staff
- Learn the 5 pillar components that make up a successful BSA/AML bank program
- Learn the BSA/AML program requirements pertaining to lending duties, like CIP, CDD, SARs & more
- Review common red flags of potential suspicious loan related activity
BSA/AML for BSA Officers and BSA staff - Comprehensive discussion of the BSA Officer and department’s role, responsibilities and requirements in building a successful
- BSA/AML bank program
- Review the 5 BSA/AML pillars and program requirements like CIP, CDD, CTR, Information sharing, Funds transfers, OFAC, SARs & more
- Review the components and considerations for an effective BSA/AML risk assessment
- Review current industry trends and learn from recent regulatory enforcement actions