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Webinar: Flood Insurance Requirements (CD)

Webinar: Flood Insurance Requirements (CD)


Recorded: June 6, 2017

Length: 90 Minutes

This 2-part webinar will cover:

  • Reminder of basics – flood determinations, new SFHA Notice, etc.
  • Flood Escrow requirements
  • Force placed insurance requirements
  • Flood insurance calculations – with examples
  • Determining insurable value
  • Detached structure exemption
  • Private flood insurance
  • Requiring flood insurance outside an SFHA area
  • Risk management
  • Top Five Most Common Violation by Bank, or Top Five Ways to Mitigate Flood Risk

Part 1 of Flood Compliance Fundamentals (June 6) focuses on some of the key basic elements of the National Flood Insurance Program that bankers most need to know under the headings of buying, requiring and maintaining flood insurance. It provides a look inside the mandatory purchase provisions and their key compliance components, including a look at escrows and flood zone discrepancies.

Part 2 of Flood Compliance Fundamentals (June 8) continues into a variety of topic-specific areas that go beyond the basics. In many instances, it utilizes case studies or commonly asked questions to examine those compliance topics attracting the most attention in the industry. This part will review force placement, the detached structures exemption, private market flood insurance, insurable value, condominiums and flood compliance risk management.

Presenter: Rich Slevin, H2O Partners

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