The ICBA Education Auditing Certificate program equips internal auditors with the knowledge and tools needed to successfully conduct and perform the internal audit
function in their bank.
This certificate program consists of five critical learning areas (31 total courses). Each course includes an exam and then each area includes a comprehensive exam. The
Program takes approximately 24 hours to complete. Upon successful completion of all five learning areas, the learner is awarded a certificate of completion.
Area 1: Introduction to Community Bank Auditing
- Auditing: The Basics
- Regulatory Accounting & Operational Auditing
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act Primer
- Internal Auditing Working Papers
- Understanding Fraud for Internal Auditors
- Business Writing: Being Effective
- Area #1 Exam
Area 2: Auditing Assets & Liabilities
- Interpreting Financial Statements
- Deposits 101
- Auditing Assets
- Auditing Liabilities and Other Activities
- Area #2 Exam
Area 3: Compliance Auditing
- Regulatory Exam Process
- Introduction to Deposit Compliance
- Regulation E: Overview
- Introduction to Lending Compliance
- Regulation Z: Overview
- Flood Disaster Protection Act
- Appraisal Standards
- Consumer Lending Fraud
- Mortgage Fraud
- Red Flags Identity Theft: The Programs
- Understanding UDAAP
- Area #3 Exam
Area 4: Specialty Auditing & IT
- Fundamentals of IT Security
- Fraud Awareness and Detection
- Bank Information System Auditing
- Business Continuity Management for Banks
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Overview
- Area #4 Exam
Area 5: Communicating the Results
- Communicating Proactively
- Communicating Cross Culturally
- Business Writing; Preparation
- Report Organization and Presentation
- Presentations that Work
- Area #5 Exam
CPE Credits: 27