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ICBA ThinkTECH Accelerator Regulator Day

Save the date!

On behalf of the Independent Community Bankers of America, you are invited to visit ICBA’s ThinkTECH Accelerator Program 5 (AP5) on Thursday, June 1st for our virtual Regulator Day!
This is our first cohort since bringing the Accelerator in house. Based on feedback from our community bankers, we are trying a few new things and are kicking off AP5 with companies focused on the topics of Deposit Acquisition/Retention and Instant Payments/Real Time Payments (FedNow solutions). 
We are excited to announce our cohort:
Deposit Acquisition/Retention
Instant Payments/Real Time Payments (FedNow solutions) 
Neural Payments - https://neuralpayments.com/
Over the course of the Regulator Day, you will have the opportunity to meet this year’s first cohort, share your expertise with the accelerator participants, and offer your advice, feedback, and opinion on the companies’ products and services. Fellow colleagues and counterparts from other federal and state banking agencies are also invited.
We hope you will view participation in the ICBA ThinkTECH Accelerator as a mutually beneficial opportunity to help community banks flourish and innovate at a faster pace. 
Please reach out to our team if you should have any questions.
Amelia Wainscott – amelia.wainscott@icba.org
Stephanie Foster – stephanie.foster@icba.org
Wayne Miller – wayne.miller@icba.org
Thank you,
ICBA ThinkTECH Accelerator Team
Please completion and submit this form as your RSVP for the event.