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Webinar: 3 S's of Pod Banking: Safety, Security & Staffing (DVD)

Webinar: 3 S's of Pod Banking: Safety, Security & Staffing (DVD)


$319.00 - Webinar: 3 S's of Pod Banking: Safety, Security & Staffing (DVD)

$219.00 - Webinar: 3 S's of Pod Banking: Safety, Security & Staffing (DVD)


Recorded: June 7, 2018

Length: 60 Minutes

The concept of pod banking can have many variations of the same theme. This evolution of the typical branch setting requires us to re-evaluate the traditional approach we’ve become accustomed to. With new technology comes new concerns and pod banking presents us with a list of concerns we may have never encountered before. Join us as we take an in-depth look and the staffing considerations, security requirements and safety concerns when transitioning to the bank of the future. We’ll also analyze the large part that cash recyclers play in pod banking and the whole new set of issues that must be addressed.

Learning Objectives:

Establish the staffing requirements and how they impact dual control.
  • Learn how the physical layout impacts security.
  • Effective camera placement in a non-traditional setting.
  • How to manage cash limits and non-vault storage.
  • Learn why communication is so important during a robbery.
  • Identify cash drawer strategies and security device management.
  • Presenter: Randy Phillips, Thompson Consulting

    ICBA Members: $219
    Nonmembers: $319

    1 CPE Credit

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